Law Enforcement Unconventional
Law Enforcement Unconventional
Autistic Children, Adults & EDP's Protected by Police Chief During Police Interactions
This week on Law Enforcement Unconventional, we discuss a new program protecting autistic children and adults as well as other emotionally disturbed persons during police interactions.
A hands-on, forward-thinking police chief deals with an autistic child and a barricaded subject with a knife. The incident with the autistic child spurred this chief to create and an autism awareness program in his community. The chief himself was then later protected during a call to a barricaded subject yielding a knife using a new tool and training available to law enforcement. This new tool protects both an EDP/EDC or autistic person or child as well as an officer.
For those who are not law enforcement listening to this show, an EDP or EDC is an emotionally disturbed person or child.
Chief David Green of the Wellford City Police Department founded a program to protect the autistic children and adults in his community. Vector Centerline De-Escalation Shields currently provides EDP shields and EDP Response training for officers who may have to interact with autistic people and other emotionally disturbed persons or children and is working directly with Chief Green to bring this amazing program nationwide.
Vector provides free stickers for families to place on the front door or near the front door of a home where an autistic child or adult lives. This sticker notifies responders at a glance that there is possibly an autistic person or child inside. This sticker can also be placed on a vehicle. In this way, an officer has a better idea of who he or she may be encountering on a call. If a person is acting erratically and the officer sees the sticker, this is a good indication that this child or person may just be having an episode that needs to be handled differently than a regular person.
Vector Centerline De-Escalation Shields has had documented saves against emotionally disturbed persons where lethal force was legally justified by an officer but not used because the officer involved was protected with a Vector Shield and attended our de-escalation training.
If you are the parent, loved one or friend of an autistic person, autistic child or any person with a disability who could potentially have an emotional episode during an interaction with law enforcement or if you are an officer or chief of a department who has 1 or more of these individuals in your community and you are looking into better tools and training to protect them as well as your officers, please listen to this episode of Law Enforcement Unconventional. It could save a life.
If you would like more information on the Vector Centerline De-Escalation EDP Response Shield and Training for your department or community, please call 239-281-8669 or email savingliveswithvector@gmail.com or visit us on social media at Vector Centerline Police Shields or www.VectorShields.com.
Thank you for listening!
Stay Safe. Stay Protected.
Law Enforcement Unconventional is a weekly podcast bringing new tools, training and ideas to the LE community with discussions between LE, Special Forces and Special Operations hosted by a veteran Green Beret and a real life shield maiden federal law enforcement instructor. Please listen and share. A simple click could save a life.