Law Enforcement Unconventional

High-Tech Retired Deputy Sheriff Helps Entrepreneurs Who Want to Sell Products and Services within the Law Enforcement and Military Communities

Robert Scali & Wendy Skjaldmaer Season 1 Episode 5

Lots of military and law enforcement officers have great products, training or ideas for Law Enforcement and Military Personnel, but need the know-how on how to get these products seen by those in the Law Enforcement and Military Communities. 

Dan is the man with the Geo-Page plan to do this.  He will get your product, invention or services  seen.  He will get your product at the top of Google searches with his awesome proprietary program.  Yes, some of it seems like sorcery, but in this episode Dan gives away as many secrets as he can to help law enforcement and military and even civilians who want to help these two awesome groups understand the process.

If you have a product, like a new life-saving tourniquet, high-speed law enforcement training program, a better designed plate carrier or more efficient anything, Dan would love to help you.

Being prior law enforcement himself with a son who is also currently in law enforcement and another son who was former military with 2 tours in Iraq, provides Dan with a vested interest in getting the word out about new products and services to better help his brothers and sisters and his sons' brothers and sisters.

Dan has helped Vector Police Shields reach departments across the United States and worked hand-in-hand going way above and beyond to "Pay It Forward."

If you have a product, idea or service and would like more info. on Geo-Pages, please call Dan from US Precision Defense at 855-300-6779 ext. 700 or visit

Stay Safe. Stay Protected.

Law Enforcement Unconventional is a weekly podcast bringing new tools, training and ideas to the LE community with discussions between LE, Special Forces and Special Operations hosted by a veteran Green Beret and a real life shield maiden federal law enforcement instructor.  Please listen and share.  A simple click could save a life.