Law Enforcement Unconventional

How a 105 Year Old Camouflage Pattern from a Boat is Helping Save Police Officers Today

Robert Scali & Wendy Skjaldmaer Season 1 Episode 4

Take your thinking outside of the proverbial box! Listen to how a 105 year old  boat camouflage pattern has been resurrected and is being deployed in the field with documented saves all across America.  If you are interested in history and how tools, applications and mindsets from our past have been re-tooled, repurposed and revisited and are helping protect our men and women in law enforcement, then you'll love this episode. Our podcast is dedicated to answering the questions, "Why does it work and how will it protect our officers?" We don't think outside of the box.  To us, there is no box. Thank you to an officer from AZ for that analogy.  There are many answers hidden in our past that are being used by Team Vector to help build products that are protecting the lives of law enforcement. We will take a topic and explain the history of that topic, and hopefully answer the question  "Why?" as to how this tool and training  today allows officers to go home to their families after their shifts.

If you are a law enforcement officer and have a topic you would like discussed, please email or visit

For a Vector Centerline Police Shield demo: 239-281-8669

Stay Safe.  Stay Protected.

Law Enforcement Unconventional is a weekly podcast bringing new tools, training and ideas to the LE community with discussions between LE, Special Forces and Special Operations hosted by a veteran Green Beret and a real life shield maiden federal law enforcement instructor.  Please listen and share.  A simple click could save a life.