Law Enforcement Unconventional

The Down and Dirty of the Vector Shield by a veteran Police Officer facing a .357

Robert Scali & Wendy Skjaldmaer Season 1 Episode 2

On this episode of Law Enforcement Unconventional Officer Ayam describes real-life applications where he has used and uses the Vector Shield in real day to day operations including coming face to face with a man with a .357 Magnum.   Find out the secret to why the Vector Shield works to protect officers and the public and has documented saves at the federal, state and local levels as told by the officers themselves. 

For more info call 239-281-8669, visit or email

Stay Safe.  Stay Protected.

Law Enforcement Unconventional is a weekly podcast bringing new tools, training and ideas to the LE community with discussions between LE, Special Forces and Special Operations hosted by a veteran Green Beret and a real life shield maiden federal law enforcement instructor.  Please listen and share.  A simple click could save a life.